But.....on to the good stuff! The students really enjoyed this unit on the Gingerbread man because they get to hear a familiar story with repetitive phrases. Boy, do they love to chime in! I like the Gingerbread unit for so many reasons. It is one of those sneaky units that teaches, but it is so fun, the kids don't realize it is work. Now that's my kind of school! Because we read a series of books, The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, and The Gingerbread Cowboy we achieve text-to-text connections(book to book) connections all over the place!
We started the week by reading two books with the same title, The Gingerbread Man, and making a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the books.

We also learned some new fancy words this week, character, setting, and events.
This went hand in hand with our other two books we read for this unit The Gingerbread Girl and The Gingerbread Cowboy.

We built a gingerbread house to chart how the books were alike and different. It is so fascinating to watch the light bulbs go on! In the book The Gingerbread Girl the main character learns from her brother's mistakes by avoiding getting eaten by the fox by taking her licorice whip hair and lassoing the foxes mouth. The Gingerbread Cowboy, however does not escape the tricky coyote. I like to stop reading this book right before the end and have the class make predictions on what they think will happen. A lot of the students thought the Gingerbread Cowboy would lasso the coyote just as the Gingerbread Girl had done, however we were surprised to learn that the the Gingerbread Cowboy was no different than the Gingerbread Man!
We also are able to easily reach a text-to-self connection(book to self) when we
read Maisy Makes Gingerbread. Maisy gets to lick the bowl in the book when she is done and the majority of the students(plus one teacher who likes to eat!) have experienced this.
Ms. Doennig and I thought it would be fun to "live" in a gingerbread house for a few weeks.
Our class spent the afternoon after our Thanksgiving feast making candy for the house and gingerbread people for our bulletin board.
Our writing project for the week was incorporating a lot of popcorn words and a little imagination! We wrote about where we would run if we were the Gingerbread Man or Girl.
I can run to the owl.
Finally, we ended the week decorating gingerbread cookies and graphing where we bit our cookie first. This was a project we did with Mrs. Clouse's class.
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